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Sierra St. Clair
Systems Administrator/Dev Ops Engineer

Sierra is a diligent worker with a passion for learning and solving the problems they come across.
When they are not at work, you might find them buried in a novel or trying to learn a new language – be it a human one or a computer one.

Sierra holds a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology from the University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus, with First Class Honors.
Key Skills
  • Research
  • Cloud Computing - Azure
  • Documentation
  • Project Management
Projects and Achievements
Sierra was a member of the Caribbean Protected Areas Gateway Sys Admin team and headed the project’s Atlassian Confluence based documentation site. They also aided in the migration of the CPAG's IT infrastructure to the cloud.
Personal Interests
Outside of work, Sierra enjoys reading fantasy novels, binge-watching TV shows or documentaries, watching YouTube videos about her favorite pieces of media, playing the occasional video game, and taking naps. Lots of naps.
“May all your trials end in full bloom” – So Far Away, August D.